Analisis Peluang Steady State Pada Kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia Menggunakan Rantai Markov
Covid-19, Increase of Positive Cases Covid-19, Markov Chain, Prediction, StationaryAbstract
Covid-19 in Indonesia began to be recorded on March 2, 2020 with the number of positive patient cases as many as 2 people with the passage of time Covid-19 cases in Indonesia are always increasing. To see the development of Covid-19 cases in the future period, the opportunity for the number of Covid-19 cases can be used using the Markov chain. The Markov chain method is carried out using a transition probability matrix which is seen from the number of additions to positive Covid-19 patients in a steady state or a situation for a long period of time. Based on the results of the range of additions to the number of positive cases of Covid-19, 6 states were used. Furthermore, the calculation of the Markov Chain in the stationary state of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia after 328 days or 11 months obtained the probability of each state, namely state 1 of 0.0005, state 2 of 0.0069, state 3 of 0.1707, state 4 of 0.1462, state 5 of 0.1884 , and state 6 is 0.4873. Prediction of the addition of positive Covid-19 patients obtained results as many as 2058 patients in state 5 for July 1, 2022 with actual data as many as 2049 patients.
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