Analisis Regresi Data Panel Dengan Model Efek Umum, Model Efek Tetap Dan Model Efek Acak (Studi Kasus: Inflasi Dan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia)
Panel Data Regression Analysis, Least Square Method, Least Square Dummy Variable, Generalized Least Square, Inflation, Human Development IndexAbstract
Panel data regression analysis is a method for modeling the influence of independent variables on dependent variables, on a combination of cross-section and time-series data. This research aims to estimate a panel data regression model with a generalized effects model using the least squares method, estimate a fixed effects model with the Least Square Dummy Variable and estimate a random effects model with Generalized Least Square on inflation and human development index data. The results obtained show that the factors that have a significant influence at the 5% level on the inflation rate in 2014-2019 are the dollar exchange rate with a coefficient of determination of the general effects model of 61.06%, then the HDI level in South Sulawesi in 2011-2017 is significantly influenced by factors such as average length of schooling and life expectancy with a coefficient of determination of the fixed effects model of 89.73%, and the HDI level in South Sulawesi in 2016-2019 is significantly influenced by the factors of life expectancy, per capita expenditure and poverty with a coefficient of determination of the random effects model amounting to 63.07%.
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