
  • M. Nazir Salim Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional




After the issuance of the Regional Autonomy Law in 2004, land concessions in the border area were of particular concern to the corporation. In addition to the changing and increasingly open situation, the land area has experienced a narrowing of space due to the ease with which the local government issues permits in both forest, mining and plantation land concessions (HGU). Even though full authority over large-scale land concessions is at the center, the recommendations of local governments largely determine the process of issuing "licenses/ rights". in reality, the "narrowing of space" in the land area must be transferred to other regions that are politically advantageous, far from the center of the crowd and public attention, namely the border area which is still considered non-monitored. This study would like to illustrate how the strategy of the community to survive and fight defends its land and manages the land on the basis of local wisdom to protect the ecology of peat forests belonging to the community. The model and strategy of struggle chosen are decisive in the level of success of the community in maintaining their land. This paper uses field studies with a "action" research approach involving actors and advocacy parties. As a result, Seven villages in Tebingtinggi Timur were included in the 10,390 hectare Industrial Plantation concession scheme. Successfully resisted and expelled the company which had been regarded as the party responsible for the ecological crisis and environmental damage. Another interesting finding is how the model and strategy of the Sungaitohor and surrounding communities fought and defended their land. The strategy promoted as a central issue is saving ecology and food with a collaborative approach from various parties. And finally, the issue succeeded in delivering "victory" to the local community, and "drive away" the company from Sungaitohor, Riau.  Keywords: Sungaitohor, strategy for struggle, agrarian reform-social forestry


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