
  • Nailuttaris Indriane Fakultas Keamanan Nasional, Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, Indonesia



Papua is the second largest island in the World after Greenland. The issue of customary land has become a very frictionful communication between the community and the company as well as between the community and the other community carrying clan and tribal relation. The customary land that is in dispute is in South Sorong Regency, West Papua is a forest that is used as a place for hunting, squeezing sago and land foraging together for the Iwaro tribe. Conflicts erupted when oil palm companies came to the area and began clearing their oil palm plantations in the Iwaro tribal forest. Debate over the boundaries of customary forests is a quite complicated problem because indigenous peoples are based on natural boundaries, while companies measure modern size. Conflict escalation is indicated by negative reactions shown through apathy, aggression, and dissatisfaction. In the affected community, this attitude was revealed in several emerging behaviors such as barking, stoning, intentional burning of forests, and various kinds of demands that were instant-transactional. The fussiness of indigenous people towards the company actually comes from the process of "releasing" customary land in the company's concession area. The company considers what they have been done was legally and follows licensing procedures and legislation in the process of taking over land that has been used as an oil palm plantation area. While the community has customary laws that are in accordance with the procedure, it must be carried out by the company as a way to pass their ancestral land. In resolving a problem, the Papuan people still use customary law as a source of law that is implemented. Through this study, the authors analyzed how conflict resolution was carried out by the Iwaro tribe. By using participatory quality methods, the authors see active nonviolent approaches using local wisdom are an important part of conflict resolution without litigation path to achieve a sustainable peace.  Keywords: Local Wisdom, Active Non-Violenct Approaches, Conflict Resolution, Customary Land


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