
  • Syamsurijal Syamsurijal Balai Litbang Agama Makassar
  • M. Fadlan L Nasurung Komunitas GUSDURian Makassar



The Towani Tolotang community was able to maintain its local belief, until its move from Wajo to AmparitaSidenreng Rappang in 1582.  Decades, their local beliefs were still well guarded, although Towani-Tolotang had to be clever to negotiate with religion from the outside which just arrived. But a series of rules issued by the government around 1965-1967, included; TAP MPRS No.XXV/1966 concerning the dissolution of the PKI and the Prohibition of the spread of the ideology of Communism, Marxism and Leninism, UU PNPS No. 1/1965 concerning blasphemy, until the rules at the local level, included the decision of the Regent of Sidrap: No.AGA / 21/1 / VII / 1966 concerning the Prohibition of Towani-Tolotang Religion, forced Towani Tolotang to leave his local religion and convert to Hinduism. These regulations, intended by the government as a way of the State regulating and protecting religious people in Indonesia, but by the Towani Tolotang community, these rules are actually felt as a form of state violence against their beliefs. Not only because these rules become a kind of means to control and discipline the religious way of this community, but also because these rules had created various coercive actions towards this community. Among those who were recorded was violence in the Malilu Sipakainge military operation. This paper will describe the ways of regulation and its supporting apparatus in eliminating the local beliefs of Towani-Tolotang, as well as how the regulation arose the violence to against them both by state and civil authorities. The violence continued until now, even though the country began to the recognition of local religion. The violence in this current era tends to the form of exclusion of this community. In addition, this paper will also illustrate how the Tolotang community has faced these various regulations since 1965 until the Mahkamah Konstitusi (Constitutional Court's) decision in 2017 on the legality of including local religions on KTP. Departing from the case of the Tolotang Towani community, finally this paper will move to see the "violence" reason that settles in various rules in term of religion, especially those related to local beliefs, while outlining the way out of the problem. Keyword : Towani Tolotang, Local Religion , Regulation, Reason of Violence


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