
  • Muh. Subair <p align="center">Balai Litbang Agama Makassar</p>



Player Unknown’s Battle Ground (PUBG) is a violent game that is loved by all ages. This game was a discourse that would be illegitimate in the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI). Because it is considered to affect the behavior of people who play it. On that basis, this paper reveal the behavior of children addicted to the game, with a descriptive qualitative research approach using document study, observation and interviews. Findings show that children who play PUBG games at SD (Elementary School) Laikang Makassar. Making the game as entertainment to disturb boredom from various daily activities. The forms of violence that they do in the game are: beating, torture, war, destruction of property and suicide. Everything is done to win the war that will give the satisfaction aspect, and vice versa have the effect of disappointment if defeated. Children who are addicted to this game have different daily behaviors, for children who are play PUBG games no more than 4 times a day, show a daily behavior that is quite controlled at home and at school. They are able to do homework independently, carry out the obligation to read thoroughly or regularly and arrange their own textbooks to be taken to school. While children who are addicted to PUBG, that playing more than 5 times a day, with a duration around 30 minutes in one game, shows behavior that is somewhat difficult to control and often shows anger or rage when there is a desire that is not fulfilled. However, it should be emphasized that the child, does not live with his parents and has a recurring illness if his wishes are not fulfilled. Keywords: Game Violence, PUBG-PlayerUnknown’sBattleGround, child behavior, game addicts.


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