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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Bioma publishes manuscripts of research articles and studies related to biology. Manuscripts that are published manuscripts that have never been published or are not in the process of being published in another journal. The content of the manuscript is not the responsibility of the editorial staff.

Manuscripts can be sent to the editor of the Bioma journal online at: http://journal.unhas.ac.id/index.php/bioma 

Writing format :

1. The manuscript is typed using the MS Word program, Arial letters, 11 fonts, 1 space, 1 column, maximum number of pages is 15, top, bottom, right and left margins 3 cm.
2. The contents of the manuscript : title, abstract, introduction, research methods, results, discussion, pictures, tables, illustrations, conclusions, thanks and bibliography. The table is annotated with the table at the top of the table, the image is annotated below the figure. Images are presented in JPEG format with a size of 300dpi.
Manuscripts are written in Indonesian according to Enhanced Spelling

Explanation of Manuscript Writing Structure


Summarize a maximum of 20 words, one space and capital letters Arial 12, Bold, in the middle. Titles are written in Indonesian and English

Writer's name

The author's name is written in full, without a title, accompanied by the name of the agency and equipped with the email address (corresponding author), in the middle


Abstract is written in Indonesian and English, the word Abstract with initial capital letters, arial 11 bold and in the middle, is made no more than 250 words written in 1 paragraph, contains the essence of the manuscript which contains the background, objectives, results and conclusions. At the end of the digest, 3-6 words of keywords are included, in arial 11, italic and bold letters.


Introduction, initial capital letter, arial 12, bold, middle, contains background and research objectives. The background is accompanied by references to previous journals related to research topics. The citation in the text is written as 'name and year', for example: Slamet 2014; if there are 2 authors in the citation, an example: Slamet and Sulfahri 2015; if the author of 3 or more writes et.al., for example, Slamet et.al. 2016; if the citations of several authors are sorted by year, for example: Slamet 2014, Sulfahri 2015, Eddy 2016.

Research methods

Research Methods , the initial letter of each capital word, arial 12, bold, middle. Subtitles in materials and methods (example: Tools and Materials; Vegetation Analysis Methods), the initial letter of each capital word, arial 12, bold, left aligned. Units of measurement use the International Standard Unit (Example: g, kg, L, cm) and the writing model is gL-1 instead of g / L.

Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion words, the initial letter of each capital word, arial 12, bold and middle

The result

The result word is written with a capital letter, arial 12, bold, left aligned. Sub titles in the results are written in Arial 12 letters, bold, left aligned. The research results are presented clearly and informatively (table / graph). Table format without vertical lines and lines in the information area; and draw in an open shape with no upper and right borders. Every table and figure must be referenced in the text. Word Tables and pictures in the captions of tables and figures are written arial 12, bold, left aligned.


Discussion word, the initial letter is written in capital, arial 12, bold, left aligned. The subtitles in the discussion are written with the first capital letter of each word, arial 12, bold, left aligned. The discussion is presented in a clear and informative manner.


The word Conclusion is written with an initial capital letter, arial 12, bold, in the middle. Conclusion short descriptions in the form of answers to the problems submitted.


Acknowledgments, capital letter for each word, arial 12, bold and centered. This remarks is addressed to those who play an important role in the research, for example, the donor, and those who help the research (both agencies and individuals).


References words, the initial capital letter of each word, arial 12, bold, middle. Only contain libraries that are used in the text and are written in alphabetical order.


a. Journal

Santosa, S. 2016. Growth snd physical quality of Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen seedlings on ten types of transplanting media. International journal of plant biology, 7 (1): 36-38

b. book

Iwan Nugroho. 2011. Ecological Tourism and Sustainable Development. Student Libraries. Yogyakarta.

c. Chapters in Books

Friedland, EL. 1976. Values ​​and Natural Modeling. In: Hall CAS and JW Day (editors). Ecosystem Modeling in Theory and Practice: Introduction with Case Histories. John Wiley & Sons Publication. New York.

d. Unpublished scientific work (Thesis / thesis / dissertation)

Mardilah. 2016. The density level of Anopheles sp larvae in the Lakkang Delta, Tallo Makassar District. (Thesis) Biology Study Program, FMIPA UNHAS. Makassar

e. Articles from the internet

Brown H. 1995. Citing Computer References. http://neal.ctstaten.edu/history/cite.html (accessed October 12, 1995)


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