Test of Sodium Aluminate (Boraks) Content in Bakso in North Sangatta Sub-District (Case Study in Bakso Store)


  • Martha Tiku Agriculture Service, North Kutai Regency Goverment
  • Mey Angraeni Tamal Department of Animal Science, East Kutai Agriculture College (Stiper) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6634-4194
  • Sanusi Imam Department of Animal Science, East Kutai Agriculture College (Stiper)




meatball samples, borax, borax test


The purpose of this study was to determine the content of borax in meatballs in North Sangatta District meatball stalls. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The meatball samples used were 270 samples obtained from 30 meatball stalls in North Sangatta and tested at the Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health Laboratory of East Kutai Agriculture Office in East Kalimantan. The test was carried out to find out whether or not the meatball sample contained borax using the borax test kid. If a positive meatball sample contains borax, then the borax test paper will be brownish red while if the negative meatball sample is borax test paper is yellow. The test results showed that all meatball samples were negative (containing no borax). Based on the research it was concluded that the meatballs were not identified to contain borax.


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Author Biography

Mey Angraeni Tamal, Department of Animal Science, East Kutai Agriculture College (Stiper)



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