The Chaaracteristics Yeast Isolated from Commercial Kefir Grain, Indonesia




characteristic, Saccharomyces, kefir grain


The objective of this study was to investigate yeast characteristics obtained from commercial grain kefir from Indonesian. Isolation based on macroscopic morphology and microscopic morphology. The first method of research is activation of kefir grain using 10% reconstitution milk, yeast growth on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA-Agar) medium, yeast coloration by using Lactophenol cotton blue. Then, yeast identification was done by macroscopic and microscopic morphology. Macroscopic morphological observations are observations of colony morphology at the time of isolation and purification, including size, shape, texture, color, surface, elevation, and edges. Microscopic morphological observations include cell shape, budding (budding) which first make preparations with yeast coloring then observed with Zeiss Asio Imager A2 Microscope using Zeiss Axiocam HRC camera. Macroscopic observation of yeast size description colony very small, small, medium, large, colony form is round, the margin is raised, the elevation is entire, the texture is smooth and surface glistening, cream colony color, and yeast smell characteristic. Microscopic observation seen there is cell nucleus, oval, there is pseudohypa, budding, gram-positive, urea test negative, glucose, lactose, maltose fermentation test positive, sucrose fermentation test negative, growth test on liquid media growth in surface medium (pellicle), and bottom medium (sediment). Based on the morphological observations in macroscopic and microscopic yeast identified genus Saccharomyces.


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