Farmer Participation in Maiwa Breeding Center Program In Barru Regency, South Sulawesi


  • Ilham Syarif Pascasarjana fakultas peternakan Unhas
  • Syahdar Baba Faculty of Animal Sceince, Hasanuddin University
  • Siti Nurani Sirajuddin



Key words, Participation, Bali Cattle, Breeding, MBC, Barru


Abstrak The Maiwa Breeding Center program was a communiversity program from Hasanuddin University in the form of a Bali cattle nursery. The aim of this program was to preserve Bali cattle germplasm and improve the genetic quality of Bali cattle while increasing farmer income. The participation of farmers in implementing the MBC program was the key to the success of the program. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of farmer participation in the MBC program in Barru District. The number of respondents was 72 people who were randomly selected from 234 MBC partner farmers. Data was collected by enumerators who have been trained using questionnaires. The measured variable was the level of farmer participation during program planning, program implementation, program monitoring and evaluation and utilization of the results of the nursery program. Variables were measured using scores 1 - 4, namely from not participating, low participation, high participation and very high participation. Data analysis uses frequency distribution and continuum value table. The results showed that the participation of farmers in planning and monitoring and evaluation was in the low category. The participation of farmers in the implementation and utilization of results was in the high category. Overall, farmer participation in Bali cattle breeding activities was in the high category.  


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Author Biography

Ilham Syarif, Pascasarjana fakultas peternakan Unhas

Social Economy



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