You are using unvalidated product, Click here to support us Journal of Society and Governance 2018-05-27T19:51:27+00:00 Ishaq Rahman Open Journal Systems <div class="row" style="display: flex;"><div class="column" style="flex: 65%; padding: 8px;"><div style="border: 1px dotted; padding: 8px; background: #FFEBCD;"><ul><li>pISSN: <a href="" target="_blank">2579-5996</a></li><li>eISSN:<a href="" target="_blank">2579-6003</a></li></ul></div><p>Journal of Society and Governance (JSG)publishes original and quality research, literature reviews, conceptual papers and book reviews twice a year (January and July) related to social sciences, including (but not limited) to sociology, political sciences, public administration, public policy, communication studies, journalism, public relations, cultural anthropology, local government, international relations, and development studies</p></div><div class="column" style="flex: 10%; padding: 5px;"><img src="/public/site/images/jejen/JSG-.jpg" alt="" /></div></div> Institutionalization Process Dymension of Political Parties (Study of Institutionalization of Golkar Party in South Sulawesi Province) 2018-05-24T19:31:20+00:00 Gustiana A. Kambo <p align="left"> </p><p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This study was intended to describe the dynamics of institutional processes run by the political parties in strengthening the position and role in the democratic system. Institutional process oriented by the party dynamics in building political strength that comes from internal and external mechanisms. In addition, it is understood that the institutionalization built a consensus of shared internal consolidation of all party members. Study of institutionalization in this research using the idea of Guelermo O'Donnell and Vicky Randall stated that the process of structural stabilization of the political parties are use the strong patterns of behavior and culture. While the method used is the thought of Edmund Husserl emphasizes the qualitative method in which phenomenological tradition assumes the subjective meaning based on real observations of the social and political orders. The results of this research showed that there is a transformation of public understanding, especially at the credibility on political parties. The credibility can be gained when a political party is particularly strong in the party institutionalization.</p><p> </p><p> </p> 2017-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Society and Governance The Effectiveness of BPKP Fraud Audit Finding on Determining the Level of Corruption in Indonesian Provinces 2018-05-27T19:51:27+00:00 Chekat Fahmy Rosyadi Tjerk Budding <p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This study aims to investigate the role of government auditing to restrain corruption. Hereby, it focuses on the effectiveness of performance of the Indonesian Finance and Development Supervisory Agency, known as Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) as the internal auditor institution of the Indonesian President. The results show that BPKP fraud audit finding of irregularities has a positive relationship with the corruption level in Indonesian provinces. Data are used from provincial-level governments over the period 2012-2015 which produces 128 province-year observations. The study result shows that the irregularities found by BPKP fraud audit influence the level of corruption in the Indonesian provinces.</p><p> </p><p> </p> 2017-12-11T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Society and Governance