PERILAKU KOMUNIKASI SUKU BAJO DALAM BERINTERAKSI DENGAN KOMUNITAS DARATAN DI DESA TERAPUNG KECAMATAN MAWASANGKA KABUPATEN BUTON Communication Behavior of Bajo Tribe in doing Interaction with Mainland Community in Floating Village Of Mawasangka District, Buton Regency


  • Yamran Sampeali yamran unhas


Communication Behavior, Bajo Truibe, Interaction Perilaku komunikasi, Suku Bajo, Interaksi


This research aims to study the factors affecting the communication behavior of Bajo Tribe with mainland community in
floating village of Mawasangka District, Buton Regency in South-East Sulawesi Province. The sample was selected using
purposive sampling method consisting of 20 informants. They were 10 informants taken from Bajo tribe and 10 others were
taken from mainland community. The data were obtained through participative observation, in-depth interview, and
documentation. The data were then analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The result show that community behavior
of Bajo tribe with mainland community is based on customs and traditions and the needs related to their activities as
fishermen. In general, community behavior of Bajo tribe is based on to what extent the strength and weakness of social
interaction with mainland community. The stronger their interaction with mainland community , the bigger opportunity the
occurrence of new communication behavior which is identical to mainland community. Meanwhile, the factors affecting
the communication behavior of Bajo tribe in doing interaction with mainland community are education level, life patterns
(kinship system, residence pattern, and marriage interactions (cooperation, accommodation, and assimilation).





