
  • Febby Kurniaty Radiation Chemistry Laboratory, Hasanuddin University
  • Maming Maming Radiation Chemistry Laboratory, Hasanuddin University
  • Muhammad Zakir Radiation Chemistry Laboratory, Hasanuddin University
  • Alfian Noor Radiation Chemistry Laboratory, Hasanuddin University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5052-4393




Research on utilization of sodium hydroxide as absorber for 14C analysis of coral ages estimation in Langkai Island using LSC (Liquid Scintillation Counting) method has been done. Samples analyzed comes from Langkai Island, which is relatively low disturbing by human activities. Samples were cleaned according to physical and chemical treatment using mixture of acid-base solution: NaOH , H2O2 , HClO4 and HCl. This step remove about 8,62% mass of the sample and it leaves white. Carbonated of sample were remove as CO2 by reaction with HCl 10% and trapped by 5M NaOH as Na2CO3. Total carbon in the sample can be determined by titration method with the total weight of carbon sample are 0,2688 g / 8 mL. Specific activity of carbon-14 in the sample that were counted by Hidex 300 SL liquid Scintillation Counter were 14.72 ± 7.92 DPM/gC related to their age. By applying specific activity of the samples and specific activity carbon-14 in the modern carbon (15.3 ± 0.1 DPM/gC) to radioisotop desintegration equation, the age were 316,90±170,506 years.Keywords : Carbon Dating, Liquid Scintillation Counting, Coral, Spermonde Archiphelago


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