Pengaruh Teknik Bernyanyi dan Permainan Kartu Bergambar Terhadap Sikap dan Perilaku Gizi Pada Anak Taman Kanak-Kanak
Nutrition education in kindergarten children is an effort to increase awareness of healthy living behavior
in consumption of fruits and vegetables through Communication, Information, and Education (CIE). This study
aims to analyze the effect of nutritional education through the technique of singing and picture card games to the
attitudes and nutritional behavior of kindergarten children. The design in this study was quasi-experimental, with
pre-post test design with control group design. The subjects of this study were 68 students from 4 kindergarten
schools in Tempilang Subdistrict, this study was conducted in January - March 2018. Nutrition education used was
a technique of singing, card game, and joint intervention. The results show that there are differences in nutritional
attitudes and behaviors in nutritional education. The combined intervention has the highest score on the attitudes
and nutritional behavior of 7.38 ± 0.98 and 49.06 is significantly different from other intervention media. There
was a change of good nutrition that increased after intervention (97,1%) from before intervention (95,6%) and
change of good nutrition behavior that increased after intervention (45,6%) before intervention (79,4%). Nutrition
education through joint intervention provides a change in the improvement of nutritional attitudes and behaviors
in child kindergartens.
Full text article
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