Pengaruh Susu Kedelai dan Bubur Kacang Hijau terhadap Lingkar Pinggang Wanita Pascamenopause
Postmenopausal women are prone to obesity. Soy milk and mung bean porridge contain fiber and
flavonoids which are beneficial as anti-obesity. This study aimed to analyze the effect of soy milk and mung
bean porridge on waist circumference among postmenopausal women. This was an experimental study using
pre-posttest with the control group. The study was conducted for 4 weeks from December 2018 to January
2019 in Serengan, Surakarta. Subjects were randomly divided into control group (n=10), soy milk (n=10) and
combination of soy milk and mung bean porridge (n=10). Soy milk and mung bean porridge provided were 240
ml and 180 ml/day/person and given for 4 weeks, respectively. Data were then analyzed with paired t-test, one
way ANOVA and Bonferroni test. There were no significant differences in the nutritional status, occupation and
education level of the three groups. There was a significant reduction in waist circumference in both the soy
milk and combination group compared to the control group (p<0.05). The mean decrease in waist cirumference
was -2.40±2.23 cm in the soy milk group and -5.30±3.20 cm in the combination group. Soy milk and mung
bean porridge can be alternative therapies to reduce waist circumference among postmenopausal women.
Full text article
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