Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Dana Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan terhadap Upaya Kesehatan Anak melalui Posyandu di Indonesia Berdasarkan Data IFLS Tahun 2014
Health Operational Aid Fund (BOK) is an effort of the Indonesian government to reduce mortality of
newborns and toddlers, where in 2017 mortality rate of newborns reached 15 per 1000 live births and 32 per
1000 live births for toddlers. BOK funds are used as operational costs for health workers/cadres in carrying out
promotional and preventive activities outside the building. This study aims to explain the effect of BOK funds on
child health efforts through on Integrated Health Center (IHC). This study used a secondary data study of 2014
IFLS, with a cross-sectional study design and logit econometric model approach. Respondents in this study was
parents who have children aged 0-59 months, number of respondents was 4,417. Data processing used the STATA
application. Results of study showed that children who were brought to IHC were significantly associated with
p-value <0.1 on maternal education status, economic status and BOK Fund. Educational status has a p-value
of 0.087, economic status has a p-value of 0.019, and BOK funds have a p-value of 0.0001. BOK funds do not
directly affect children’s health, but the utilization of BOK fund by health workers/cadres can provide awareness
of mothers who have toddlers to maintain children’s health through on IHC.
Full text article
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