Efektivitas Penanganan Keluhan Pasien Pelayanan Kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Bahteramas Sulawesi Tenggara
of the service is a complete complaint handling system. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the handling
of health service complaints in the Bahteramas Hospital of Southeast-Sulawesi Province. This is a qualitative
research, with case-study approach. Informants are patients and staff of the hospital. Collection data conducted by
in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The results indicate that the handling of complaints of health
services in hospitals has not been entirely effective. In its implementation, there were still many problems including
complaint-handling obstacles, unclear complaint-handling information, partly refusal complaint-handling, a
slow complaint-handling, lack of officers’ sympathy, lack of complaint-handling solutions, no explanation from
the officer, no complaint-handling unit. The implementation of complaints handling in Bahteramas Hospital has
not been effective, there were still some problems faced, namely the aspects of service quality, organizational
behavior and service resources. There are some items needed to enhance by the hodpital namely improvement
of policies, service management, education and training for officers, and fulfillment of service resource needs.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Suhadi - -, Alimin - Maidin, Sukri - Palutturi, Burhanuddin - Bahar, Nurmaladewi - -, Esti - Astuty

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