Potential of Fungal Isolates from Mahogany and Acacia Litters as Decomposer


  • Gusmiaty Gusmiaty Forestry Faculty, Hasanuddin University
  • Alif Fitrah
  • Rezky Nur Fadhila
  • Juliana Azahra




acacia, decomposer, fungus, mahogany


The potential for biodiversity, including microorganisms interacting with stands in the Unhas Educational Forest, has not been well investigated. The stand contains litter that has the potential to be used for the manufacture of organic fertilizer or compost. Efforts to develop organic fertilizers require basic information about the fungi that can potentially provide decomposers. The research method included taking acacia and mahogany leaf litter that had rotted around the plantation and then isolating the fungus using dilution and purification techniques. The collection of fungal isolates was then tested for lignocellulolytic enzymes. The results showed that the fungal isolates with the highest scores for chitinase, pectinase, and cellulase enzyme activity were isolated from mahogany stand litter (M4 10-3) (1) and acacia stand litter (A1 10-2) (2). The results of this study can be used to manufacture organic fertilizers with high nutrient content and can be applied to increase maximum plant growth.


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How to Cite

Gusmiaty, G., Fitrah, A., Fadhila, R. N., & Azahra, J. (2022). Potential of Fungal Isolates from Mahogany and Acacia Litters as Decomposer. PERENNIAL, 18(1), 13-17. https://doi.org/10.24259/perennial.v18i1.18667

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