You are using unvalidated product, Click here to support us PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic 2024-03-25T15:09:37+00:00 Dr. Hamzah Tahang, S.Pi., M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>PONGGAWA : Journal of </strong><span style="font-weight: bolder;">Fisheries</span> <strong>Socio-Economic </strong>merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan, Universitas Hasanuddin. Jurnal ini memuat hasil penelitian yang berkaitan dengan bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan dan bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan karya ilmiah khususnya pada bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan. Setiap artikel yang dimuat diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi pada bidang sosial ekonomi perikanan.</p> <p><strong>PONGGAWA : Journal of <span style="font-weight: bolder;">Fisheries</span> Socio-Economic </strong>diterbitkan sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal ini memuat artikel ilmiah dalam bidang :</p> <ul> <li>Sosiologi dan Kelembagaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil </li> <li>Ekonomi Sumber Daya Perikanan</li> <li>Ekonomi dan Manajemen Wisata Bahari</li> <li>Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Perikanan</li> <li>Kebijakan Perikanan dan Kelautan</li> <li>Manajemen Bisnis dan Industri Perikanan dan Kelautan</li> <li>Tataniaga dan Manajemen Pemasaran Hasil Perikanan dan Kelautan </li> </ul> <p><strong>E-ISSN : 2775-7196</strong></p> <p> </p> Income Analysis of Lawi-Lawi (Coulerpa sp) in Laikang Village,Mangarabombang Sub-District, Takalar District 2024-02-09T14:20:37+00:00 Risma Udin Sitti Fakhriyyah Arie Syahruni Cangara <p>Seaweed has become a prima donna commodity for coastal communities, considering its positive contribution to the workforce and increasing income. Types of seaweed that have potential but have not been widely cultivated are Caulerpa sp. with the local names 'lawi-lawi' (Sulawesi) and 'Latoh' (Java). Lawi-lawi is widely known by the coastal community because several types of seaweed are used as daily natural food ingredients in South Sulawesi and are used for medical purposes because they contain antioxidants. Takalar Regency is the center of Lawi-lawi seaweed incubator, where development clusters are spread throughout the sub-district. One of the sub-districts that is the center for the development of Lawi-lawi seaweed is Mangarabombang District. some people in Laikang Village make a living as cultivators of lawi-lawi. Lawi-lawi cultivation activities in this village have been going on since 2011 and continue to grow until now. The purpose of this study was to determine the investment and income of lawi-lawi cultivators. The results showed that the average cost of cultivation of lawi-lawi (Caulerpa Sp) in Laikang Village, Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency was IDR 8.397.500, the total annual income was IDR 8 .397.500 IDR. 147.600.000, total monthly income of IDR. 16.132.427.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic The Role of TPI Murante Fish Auction Place in the Skipjack Fish (Katsuwonus pelamis) Trade in Luwu Regency 2024-02-09T14:14:11+00:00 Nuraini Andi Mappiasse Benny Audy Jaya Gosari Arie Syahruni Cangara Sri Suro Adhawati Abd. Wahid <p>This study aims to determine the role of the Murante Fish Auction Place in the trade process of skipjack tuna <em>(K. pelamis)</em>, the trading process of skipjack tuna <em>(K. pelamis)</em> at the Murante Fish Auction, and the advantages and disadvantages of trading skipjack tuna <em>(K. pelamis)</em> at the Murante Fish Auction Place. This research was conducted in April 2021 at TPI Murante, Luwu Regency. The type of research used is survey research with a qualitative nature. The population in this study were TPI managers, ship owners, and fish traders using the census method where the sample was taken from the entire population that was used as the research sample. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data then processed using a Likert scale and analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the role of TPI Murante, namely as a place for boats to dock and a place for quality development of fishery products, had a fairly good level of role and as a place for skipjack tuna trading as well as a place for landing fish and loading and unloading catches had a good role. The advantages of trading skipjack tuna at the Murante Fish Auction are that the conditions for participating in the skipjack trade are easy to fulfill, do not delay the execution of skipjack tuna trade, and have trading facilities such as trading buildings, scales, barriers, and clean water. For lack of skipjack trade at the Murante Fish Auction, among others, TPI lost retribution, uncertain trading times, and lack of coolboxes to place fish.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic Profit Sharing System Business Ship Unit Fishing Divers on The Island of Barrang Lompo, Makassar City 2024-02-12T06:53:52+00:00 Abdul Rasul Aris Baso Amiluddin Amiluddin Sitti Fakhriyyah Benny Audy Jaya Gosari <p>This study aims to determine the income of the unit of sea cucumber dive fishing boats on Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar City to find out the profit sharing system for sea cucumber fishermen on Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar City. This research was carried out in Sangkarrang Subdistrict, Barrang Lompo Village, Makassar City in July 2021. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative and quantitative by using tools in the form of questionnaires with interview and observation techniques as the main data collection methods. Based on the results of research on the business of sea cucumber divers on Barrang Lompo Island, Sangkarrang District, it can be concluded that the average income of sea cucumber fishermen on Barrang Lompo Island per year is Rp. 406.361,422. The profit-sharing system contained in the sea cucumber dive fishing vessel unit is 25: 75, where the retainer or ship owner has a profit of Rp. 101,590,355/year and mustard or crew members have a profit of Rp. 22,507,998/year.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic Potential and Characteristics of Visitors to Lego-Lego South Sulawesi Tourism Objects in the Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) Makassar City 2024-02-12T06:56:54+00:00 Nur Amaliyah Nasruddin Amiluddin Amiluddin Hamzah Tahang Andi Adri Arief Andi Amri <p>This study aims to identify the potential, and determine the characteristics of visitors to the Lego Lego tourist attraction in South Sulawesi. The research was carried out in December 2021 - January 2022 at Lego Lego Sulsel Makassar City. The sample of this study consisted of a sample of tourists, tourist attraction managers, business people and fishermen at TPI Rajawali. Determination of tourist respondents using the Accidental Sampling technique with a total sample of 96 respondents. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data and then analyzed using descriptive analysis and frequency statistics. From the results of the study, it was found that the Lego Lego South Sulawesi tourist attraction has enormous potential in terms of attractiveness, accessibility, additional facilities and services available at the tourist attraction, as well as the potential from the economic aspect in terms of employment for the people affected by the reclamation. The characteristics of tourists are based on age, domicile, gender, occupation, average income, latest education, marital status, sources of information, purpose of visiting, intensity of visit, time of visit, visiting partners, transportation, costs and length of trip.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic Financial Comparison Analysis of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Processed Fisheries During the Pandemic and New Normal in Makassar City 2024-02-12T06:54:41+00:00 A. Nadia Mughsita Sani Aris Baso Arie Syahruni Cangara Sutinah Made Hamzah Tahang <p>This study aims to determine the income received, business feasibility and Marketing System for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Processed Fisheries during the Pandemic and New Normal in the city of Makassar. This research was carried out in December 2021. The sampling method used was the Purposive Sampling method with the following criteria, those who were actively producing during the pandemic and New Normal had employees, who processed and marketed processed fishery products, had a place of business and business support infrastructure. and willing to be interviewed. The data sources used are primary data and secondary data and then analyzed using cost and income analysis as well as business financial analysis. Fishery Processed Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Makassar City experienced changes or increases starting from the total costs used, revenues and profits obtained during the COVID-19 pandemic to the New normal period. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fishery-processed Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Makassar City is 13% of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises that are not producing during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means the business is experiencing losses or not getting a profit and only 87% of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are producing during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means the business is profitable. New normal, all Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are starting to return to production so that their businesses again have profits and the production process is in accordance with the processing in their business. The feasibility level of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises processing fisheries during the COVID-19 pandemic and the New normal COVID-19 in Makassar City shows the criteria R/C &gt; 1, which means that the business being run is profitable or the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises processed fisheries in Makassar City are feasible.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PONGGAWA : Journal of Fisheries Socio-Economic