Traditional Medical Systems In Handling Children Diseases Among Tolotang Community In Sidrap Regency South Sulawesi


  • Syamsuriah Syamsuriah Departement of Health Promotion, Faculty Of Public Health, Hasanuddin University


ABSTRAK Tolotang community still uses traditional medical in handling children diseases, this inseparable from cultural influence on Tolotang community which is so firm in maintaining customs and beliefs adopted. This study aimed to analyze the resources consisting of facilities, accessibility, and skills that used by the Tolotang community in handling diseases of under five children. This study used qualitative methods with ethnographic designs. The selection of informants used the snowball method by collecting data through in-depth interviews with 28 informants. Data was analyzed by content analysis and it was interpreted and presented in form of narratives, matrices, and schemes. The results showed that resources in the form of facilities such as community health center, auxiliary community health center, village health post were available and can be reached by the community. Several plants are available in the surrounding environment such as betel leaves, turmeric and, bangle that were used by the community as the first traditional treatment of illness children before bringing it to a health care facility. It is expected that the Sidrap Health Office can maximize the implementation of traditional health in health centers so that the traditional health services obtained by the community are more directed with minimal risks.Keywords: Traditional, Medical, Tolotang, Resources, Children Disease


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