Use of Simple Correspondence Analysis in Mapping Potential Disaster Areas in Central Sulawesi Province
Pemetaan Wilayah Potensi Bencana di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Menggunakan Analisis Korespondensi Sederhana
Central Sulawesi, Natural Disaster, Row of Profile, Simple Correspondence Analysis.Abstract
Disaster cases need to be analyzed considering that when a disaster occurs it will have an extraordinary impact. The statistical method that can be used to study disaster cases is a simple correspondence analysis. This study aims to map areas with the potential for natural disasters in the province of Central Sulawesi. So, in the analysis, regions are grouped according to row profile values that are greater than the average. The result of simple correspondence analysis obtained flood disaster has the potential to occur in Banggai, Morowali, Donggala, Buol, Parigi Moutong, Tojo Una-una, Sigi, and North Morowali. While the dominant tornado disaster occurred in Banggai Kepulauan, Banggai, Poso, Toli-toli, Parigi Moutong and Sigi. For regional landslides with potential Banggai Islands, Donggala, Toli-toli, Parigi Moutong, and Sigi. Then Banggai Islands and the City of Palu are the dominant regions for earthquake disasters. The results of the grouping can be the basis of government and community focus in tackling the dominant disasters occurring in their respective regions so as to minimize the impact when natural disasters occur.
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