Estimasi Parameter Model Regresi Data Panel Efek Tetap dengan Metode First Difference
First Difference Method, Fixed Effect Model, Generalized Least Square, Human Development Index, Panel Data RegressionAbstract
This study aims to estimate the regression parameters fixed effects panel data model using the first difference method on the influence of Life Expectancy, Average Length of School, and Per capita Expenditure on the Human Development Index of South Sulawesi in 2012 - 2018. The first difference method is used to obtain intercept differences in each district/city explaining the effect of regional differences. The first difference process results in autocorrelation of data so after the first difference is done the generalized least square method is used to estimate the parameters. The results show Life Expectancy, Average Length of School, and Per capita Expenditure has a significant influence on the Human Development Index of South Sulawesi in 2012 - 2018 simultaneously or partially.
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- 2022-07-02 (2)
- 2022-07-01 (1)
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