Pemodelan Regresi Logistik Ordinal dengan Dispersi Efek Lokasi


  • Ainun Utari Budistiharah Universitas Hasanuddin
  • Anna Islamiyati
  • Sri Astuti Thamrin



deviance, location effect dispersion, ordinal logistic regression, nutritional status of children under five


Logistic regression ordinal is a regression model that can explain the relationship between predictor variables in the form of categorical data or continuous data with response variable is more than two categories with a scale of measurement that is level or sequence. In ordinal logistic regression, the frequency of occurrence in each response category is often very different, so it will affect the model's accuracy. Therefore, this study will model ordinal logistic regression with a dispersion of location effects, then applied to the nutritional status data of toddler in 2019 at the Pekkae Puskesmas, Barru Regency. The results obtained show that the ordinal logistic regression model with the dispersion of location effects is better than the usual ordinal logistic regression model for predicting the nutritional status data for toddlers in 2019 at Pekkae Puskesmas, Barru Regency based on deviance values. The factors that influence the nutritional status of toddler based on TB/U are gender, age, and height.


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