Structural Equation Modeling in Motivation Analysis for Millennial Participation Related to General Elections in Indonesia
Structural Equation Modeling dalam Analisis Motivasi Partisipasi Milenial Terkait Pemilu di Indonesia
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is a statistical technique used to build and test the statistical models are usually in the form of causal models. SEM is a combination from factor analysis, path analysis, and regression. This method is a statistical approach that serves to test hypotheses about the relationship between observed variables and latent variables. In this paper, SEM is applied to determine the motivation of the millennial generation for the general election 2019 in Indonesia. Data was obtained by distributing questionnaires online according to procedures which were then analyzed using SEM. Millennial’s motivation is seen from the knowledge of the millennial generation on voting rights commitments in the 2019 general election in Indonesia. Based on the result, millennial generation is committed to using voting rights in the 2019 general election. All indicator variables from this study are significant to the millennial generation’s commitment to use their voting rights
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