Pemodelan Topik pada Judul Berita Online Detikcom Menggunakan Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Coherence Score, Detikcom, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Text Mining, Topic ModelingAbstract
Detikcom is a very popular news portal today. The news on the portal continues to grow time to time, causing the existing news data to pile up. As a result, this is necessary to utilize this large amount of data. One of the ways that can be used is to extract topics from news text data through topic modeling using the Latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) method. This method is very popular because it can perform analysis on very large documents. This research aims to find certain patterns in a document by generating several different topics so that it does not specifically divide documents into a particular topic. This research has three topics obtained, with a coherence score is 0,7586. The first topic discusses conflicts and crises within a country, the second topic discusses issues related to humanitarian, and the third topic discusses the issues of corruption committed by state officials.
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