Kemampuan Estimator Spline Linear dalam Analisis Komponen Utama
Capabilities of Linear Spline Estimator in Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis, Diabetes Data, Linear, Multicollinearity, Spline.Abstract
In the formation of a regression model there is a possibility of a relationship between one predictor variable with other predictor variables known as multicollinearity. In the parametric approach, multicollinearity can be overcome by the principal component analysis method. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate analysis that transforms the originating variables that are correlated into new variables that are not correlated by reducing a number of these variables so that they have smaller dimensions but can account for most of the diversity of the original variables. In some research data that do not form parametric patterns also allows the occurrence of multicollinearity on the predictor variables. This study examines the ability of spline estimators in the analysis of the main components. The data contained multicollinearity and was applied to diabetes mellitus data by taking cholesterol type factors as predictors. Based on the estimation results, one main component is obtained to explain the diversity of variables in diabetes data with the best linear spline model at one knot point.References
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- 2022-02-02 (3)
- 2022-02-02 (2)
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