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Estimasi Parameter Structural Equation Modeling Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Layanan Telekomunikasi Menggunakan Metode Maximum Likelihood

Estimation of Structural Equation Modeling Parameters on Customer Satisfaction of Telecommunication Services Using the Maximum Likelihood Method


  • Dwicahyo Ramadhan Priyatna Hasanuddin University
  • Raupong Raupong Hasanuddin University
  • La Podje Talangko Hasanuddin University



Customer Satisfaction, Maximum Likelihood, Provider Tri, SEM, Goodness of Fit.


Structural Equation Modeling is a statistical technique that is able to analyze the pattern of simultan linear relationships between indicator variables and latent variables. In this study using structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship between perceived quality, perceived value, perceived bestscore, and customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to obtain the result parameter model estimation of structural equation modeling using maximum likelihood method and to obtain the level of students satisfaction from faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Hasanuddin University toward Tri operator. Data collected by distributing questionnaire. Collecting sample in this study using Proporsional Random Sampling technique. To measure the level of students satisfaction from faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Hasanuddin University toward Tri operator, the model chosen is the model used to measure Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Indeks. From the result of this study obtained in the amount of 92,04% with very satisfied criteria level of students satisfaction from faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Hasanuddin University toward Tri operator with very satisfied criteria.

Author Biographies

Dwicahyo Ramadhan Priyatna, Hasanuddin University

Department of Statistics

Raupong Raupong, Hasanuddin University

Department of Statistics

La Podje Talangko, Hasanuddin University

Department of Statistics


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2022-02-02 — Updated on 2022-02-02
