
  • Yulisman Yulisman Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Sumatera Barat



The basic assumption of this paper rests on the events of violence that have occurred in the World today which are started by radicalism. The victims were only visible to Muslims and Christians. this teaching is a disease virus that is intentionally injected into religious groups that are opposite through on ideological teachings. The virus has been injected into Christians, Muslims and Buddhists. This teaching is not solely an entry into the ideology of Muslims but also inter the Christians and Buddhists ideology. Most likely it will also be injected into Hindus, Jews and other religious groups. The aim is solely to confront adherents of different religions. The adherents never knew the real purpose was to fight them against each other. This teaching justifies violence to achieve a goal. Islamic radicalism groups never knew that they had been manipulated by other groups to destroy themselves. Radicalism will bring out groups of people who have been victims of violence and groups of people who feel threatened to retaliate or defend their lives from the threat of violence. Especially the two groups of God's comunities will enter into an trap of sheep fighting (bring into conflict) who want to defend the truth according to their respective teachings and defend themselves for their respective lives. Religious leaders must sit together and hold back and say, this is an trap only The research method is carried out by qualitative methods based on a comparison of past historical analysis with current events.  Keywords: violence, groups, teaching.


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