
  • Jusmiati Jusmiati Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah Iain Palu
  • Darlis Darlis Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah Iain Palu



The inability to touch the psychological aspects of ex-convict terrorists is the beginning of the failure of the deradicillation program. Previous research shows that aspects of psychological well-being are very influential on a person's attitude and mindset. The higher a person's psychological well-being, the more open insight and ability to actualize themselves in society. Ryff (1995) formulates that psychological well-being includes selfacceptance, positive relationships with others, independence, environmental mastery, life goals, and personal growth. This study discusses the psychological well-being of terrorist ex-prisoners in Poso District and how are they able to deal with the negative stigma of the general public? To answer these academic problems, researchers used qualitative research with the life story approach. Data was collected through direct observation and interviews with ex inmates and analyzed using thematic methods. The results of this study contribute significantly to the success of national deradicalisation programs through fostering ex-terrorist prisoners based on mapping their aspects of psychological well-being. In addition, this research will also help strategic programs that lead to strengthening the independence of ex-terrorist prisoners in actualizing themselves in society.


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