Implementation of Parking Cross System Automation Based on RFID Technology in Parking Areas Unhas Rectorate


  • Ida Rachmaniar Sahali Hasanuddin University
  • Muh Anshar Hasanuddin University
  • Zulkifli Arfah Hasanuddin University


RFID, parking system, RFID tag, RFID reader, database, parking barrier


The management of the Hasanuddin University Rector's parking area still uses human labor to guard the entrance and exit gates of the vehicle parking lot. In this case there is prone to errors in user authorization that can use the parking lot. This study will design an automated parking barrier system using RFID technology and implementing it in the Hasanuddin University Rector's parking lot. The test results obtained that the maximum reading distance of the RFID card is 9cm with the card position parallel to the reader; testing the reading time of the four nodes is calculated from the time the card is pasted until the relay is activated in the system, the average time is 0.373 seconds; To test the time of using the system where the starting time is calculated from the time the driver taps the card on the reader then the driver passes the parking barrier until the barrier closes again perfectly; the time for Node 1 is 6.81 seconds, Node 2 is 18.56 seconds, Node 3 is 11.04 seconds, and Node 4 is 14.13 seconds.

