Main Article Content
This study aims to determine the effectiveness and the prospect of the Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) towards prevention of environmental problems in China, Japan and South Korea. The research questions of this study are: how the effectiveness of the implementation of Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting to prevention environmental problems in China, Japan and South Korea, and how the prospects of Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting in handling the environmental problems in China, Japan and South Korea. Based on the research goals, the author used descriptive analytic methods as the research methods with library research as the data collecting methods. The data were analyzed qualitative with deductive writing techniques.
The results of this study show that Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) was not effective in preventing the environmental problems in China, Japan and South Korea based on emissions growth data, the regulation making and the role of NGO. Based on TEMM’s contribution and effectiveness in preventing of environmental problems in China, Japan and South Korea was not good, but based on the performance of TEMM annually, TEMM be more dynamically and decided the cooperation of environmental conservation in Northeast Asia region as priority.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dan prospek Tripartite Environment Ministers Meetig (TEMM) dalam menanggulangi masalah lingkungan di Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Adapun pertanyaan dari peneliian ini adalah: bagaimana efektivitas pelaksanaan kerjasama Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting terhadap penanggulangan masalah lingkungan di Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan, dan bagaimana prospek kerjasama Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting dalam menangani masalah lingkungan di Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Berdasarkan tujuan yang ingin dicapai, maka penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriprif-analitik dengan teknik pengumpulan data menelaah seumlah literatur/ studi pustaka. Adapun untuk menganalisis data, penulis memakai teknik analisis data kualitatif dengan teknik penulisan deduktif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kerjasama Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM) tidak efektif dalam menangani permasalahan lingkungan di Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan terkait dengan indikator laju emisi CO2, perubahan regulasi dan peran NGO. Berdasarkan kontribusi dan efektivitas dari TEMM dalam penangguangan masalah lingkungan di Tiongkok, Jepang dan Korea Selatan maka prospek kerjasama tersebut tidak baik, namun melihat capaian pada pertemuan setiap tahunnya, kerjasama TEMM bergerak dinamis dan semakin mengutamakan kerjasama perlindungan lingkungan di kawasan Asia Timur Laut.
Article Details
- Buku:
- Alan, Dobson, 2000, Edition Green Political Though,Edisi ke-3, London: Routledge
- Brylinsky, Sarah dan Allen-Gil, Susan, 2008, Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative Educational Curricula, Kharkiv: Springer
- Burchill, Scott, 2005, Theories of International Relations, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
- Carlsnaes, Walter, Thomas Risse dan Beth A Simmons, 2013, Handbook Hubungan Internasional, Bandung: Nusa Media
- Carter, Neil, 2007, The Politics of The Environment, Ideas, Activism, Policy 2nd Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Curran, Giorel, 2007, 21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalization and Environmentalism, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
- Dauvergne, Peter, 2009, The A to Z of Environmentalism, Plymouth: The Scarecrow Press
- Francois, Rischard Jean, 2002, High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, twenty Years to Solve Them, New York: Basic Books
- Geun, Lee, 2005, Regional Environmental Security Complex Approach to Environmental Security in East Asia. Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Governance, Globalization, and the Environment, New York: UN Headquarters
- G, Porter dan J. W, Brown, 1996, Global Environmental Politics: Second Edition, USA: Westview Press
- Glasson, John dkk, 2008, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment 3rd Ed., New York: Routledge
- Hayati, Sri dan Ahmad Yani, 2007, Geografi Politik, Bandung: Refika Aditama
- Jorgensen, S. E. dan Fath, B. D., 2008, Encyclopedia of Ecology, Amsterdam: Elsevier B.
- Miller, Lynn H., 2006, Agenda Politik Internasional, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
- Ndraha, Talidizuhu, 2005, Teori Budaya Organisasi, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
- Prawirosentono, Sujadi, 1997, Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
- Roebuck, Kevin, 2012, Security Policy: High-impact Strategies - What You Need to Know: Definitions, Adoptions, Impact, Benefits, Maturity, Vendors, Brisbane: Emereo Publishing
- Sedarmayanti, 2009, Sumber Daya Manusia dan Produktivitas Kerja, Bandung: Mandar Maju
- Stone, Marianne, 2009, Security According to Buzan: a Comprehensive Security Analysis, New York: Columbia University
- Underdal, Arild, 2002, Environmetal Regime Effectiveness, Massachusetts: The MIT Press
- Winarno, Budi, 2011, Isu-Isu Global Kontemporer, Yogyakarta: Caps
- Jurnal:
- Beyer, Stefanie, Chinese Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, vol.5, No.1, 2006, 185-211
- Biswas, Niloy Ranjan, 2011. Is The Environment a security Threat? Environmental Security beyond Securitization. International Affairs Review, Vol. 20 No. 1, 1- 22
- Joon H. Kim, Korean Environmental Regulations: Ready to Take on One of The World’s Largest Private Real Estate Development Projects?, Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, vol. 15 No. 2, 2006, 489-518
- Kim, Myungjin, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Beech Tree Publishing, Vol. 22 No. 3, 2004
- McGinnis, John O, 2000, The Political Economy of Global Multilateralism, Chicago: Chicago Journal of International Law
- Samodra, Jhendra A., Multiversa, Journal of International Studies, Institute of International Studies, vol. 1 No. 3, 2011, 187-274
- Utaminingsih, N., and A. R. Cangara. "The half-dead of earth." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 575. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Varelly, A. A., t al. "The state, fashion companies, and International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) relations: Encountering the problem of hazardous waste." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 343. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.
- Dokumen/ Artikel:
- Dupont, Alan, The Environment, Conflict and the Security of East Asia, disampaikan dalam International Workshop on Environmental Peace in East Asia di Seoul tahun 2000
- Guangwei, He, 2011, Pollution and Health I China: Conforting the Human Crisis, Beijing: Chinadialogue
- Jacob D, J.A. Logan, dan P.P. Murti, 1999, Effects of Rising Asian Emissions on Surface Ozone in the United States. Geographical Research Paper
- Lee, Geun, 2001, Regional Environmental Security Complex Approach to Environmental Security in East Asia.
- Korea Legislation Research Institute, Natural Environment Conservation Act
- Website:
- , China ( diakses pada 1 Maret 2015
- , Completed Projects ( diakses pada 28 Februari 2015
- , Current Project ( diakses pada 28 Februari 2015
- , Data China ( diakses pada 30 Maret 2015
- , Data Japan ( diakses pada 30 Maret 2015
- , Data Republic of Korea ( diakses pada tanggal 30 April 2015
- , Ekonomi Efektif Efisien ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
- , Introduction ( diakses pada 26 November 2014
- , Ecocentrism ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
- , Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, ( diakses pada 1 Maret 2015
- , Environmental law and practice in South Korea: overview
- ( diakses pada 28 februari 2015
- , Japan Environment ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2015
- , Joint Communiqué The 11th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, Korea and China ( diakses pada 8 Maret 2015
- , Keamanan Lingkungan Hidup dengan Memerangi Akarnya ( Lingkungan-Hidup-dengan-Memerangi-Akarnya) diakses pada 2 Februari 2015
- , Korean Air Pollution Problem ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2015
- , South Korea’s Focus on Green Growth and Bold Methods of Energy Conservation ( on-green-growth-and-bold-methods-of-energy-conservation/) diakses pada 28 Februari 2015.
- , The Basic Law ( diakses pada 26 Februari 2015
- , The Basic Environment Law-Outline ( laws/policy/basic/leaflet2.html) diakses pada 21 Februari 2015
- , The Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among Japan, China and Korea (TEMM) ( diakses pada 17 November 2014
- , Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting ( diakses pada 26 November 2014
- , Why Environmental Security a Major Concern ( concern/) diakses pada 4 Februari 2015
- Bouchard, Caroline dan Peterson, John, Conceptualising Multilateralism: Can We Just Get Along? ( diakses pada 18 Maret 2015
- Boslaugh ,Sarah E. , Anthropocentrism ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
- Hayes, Peter dan Zarsky, Lyuba, Regional Cooperation and Environmental Issues in Northeast Asia ( diakses pada 3 Mei 2015
- Lallanilla, Marc, China’s top 6 Environmental Concern ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2011
Alan, Dobson, 2000, Edition Green Political Though,Edisi ke-3, London: Routledge
Brylinsky, Sarah dan Allen-Gil, Susan, 2008, Addressing Global Environmental Security Through Innovative Educational Curricula, Kharkiv: Springer
Burchill, Scott, 2005, Theories of International Relations, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Carlsnaes, Walter, Thomas Risse dan Beth A Simmons, 2013, Handbook Hubungan Internasional, Bandung: Nusa Media
Carter, Neil, 2007, The Politics of The Environment, Ideas, Activism, Policy 2nd Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Curran, Giorel, 2007, 21st Century Dissent: Anarchism, Anti-Globalization and Environmentalism, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Dauvergne, Peter, 2009, The A to Z of Environmentalism, Plymouth: The Scarecrow Press
Francois, Rischard Jean, 2002, High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, twenty Years to Solve Them, New York: Basic Books
Geun, Lee, 2005, Regional Environmental Security Complex Approach to Environmental Security in East Asia. Non-Traditional Security in Asia: Governance, Globalization, and the Environment, New York: UN Headquarters
G, Porter dan J. W, Brown, 1996, Global Environmental Politics: Second Edition, USA: Westview Press
Glasson, John dkk, 2008, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment 3rd Ed., New York: Routledge
Hayati, Sri dan Ahmad Yani, 2007, Geografi Politik, Bandung: Refika Aditama
Jorgensen, S. E. dan Fath, B. D., 2008, Encyclopedia of Ecology, Amsterdam: Elsevier B.
Miller, Lynn H., 2006, Agenda Politik Internasional, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar
Ndraha, Talidizuhu, 2005, Teori Budaya Organisasi, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Prawirosentono, Sujadi, 1997, Manajemen Produksi dan Operasi, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
Roebuck, Kevin, 2012, Security Policy: High-impact Strategies - What You Need to Know: Definitions, Adoptions, Impact, Benefits, Maturity, Vendors, Brisbane: Emereo Publishing
Sedarmayanti, 2009, Sumber Daya Manusia dan Produktivitas Kerja, Bandung: Mandar Maju
Stone, Marianne, 2009, Security According to Buzan: a Comprehensive Security Analysis, New York: Columbia University
Underdal, Arild, 2002, Environmetal Regime Effectiveness, Massachusetts: The MIT Press
Winarno, Budi, 2011, Isu-Isu Global Kontemporer, Yogyakarta: Caps
Beyer, Stefanie, Chinese Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, vol.5, No.1, 2006, 185-211
Biswas, Niloy Ranjan, 2011. Is The Environment a security Threat? Environmental Security beyond Securitization. International Affairs Review, Vol. 20 No. 1, 1- 22
Joon H. Kim, Korean Environmental Regulations: Ready to Take on One of The World’s Largest Private Real Estate Development Projects?, Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, vol. 15 No. 2, 2006, 489-518
Kim, Myungjin, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Beech Tree Publishing, Vol. 22 No. 3, 2004
McGinnis, John O, 2000, The Political Economy of Global Multilateralism, Chicago: Chicago Journal of International Law
Samodra, Jhendra A., Multiversa, Journal of International Studies, Institute of International Studies, vol. 1 No. 3, 2011, 187-274
Utaminingsih, N., and A. R. Cangara. "The half-dead of earth." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 575. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2020.
Varelly, A. A., t al. "The state, fashion companies, and International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) relations: Encountering the problem of hazardous waste." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 343. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.
Dokumen/ Artikel:
Dupont, Alan, The Environment, Conflict and the Security of East Asia, disampaikan dalam International Workshop on Environmental Peace in East Asia di Seoul tahun 2000
Guangwei, He, 2011, Pollution and Health I China: Conforting the Human Crisis, Beijing: Chinadialogue
Jacob D, J.A. Logan, dan P.P. Murti, 1999, Effects of Rising Asian Emissions on Surface Ozone in the United States. Geographical Research Paper
Lee, Geun, 2001, Regional Environmental Security Complex Approach to Environmental Security in East Asia.
Korea Legislation Research Institute, Natural Environment Conservation Act
, China ( diakses pada 1 Maret 2015
, Completed Projects ( diakses pada 28 Februari 2015
, Current Project ( diakses pada 28 Februari 2015
, Data China ( diakses pada 30 Maret 2015
, Data Japan ( diakses pada 30 Maret 2015
, Data Republic of Korea ( diakses pada tanggal 30 April 2015
, Ekonomi Efektif Efisien ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
, Introduction ( diakses pada 26 November 2014
, Ecocentrism ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
, Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, ( diakses pada 1 Maret 2015
, Environmental law and practice in South Korea: overview
( diakses pada 28 februari 2015
, Japan Environment ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2015
, Joint Communiqué The 11th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, Korea and China ( diakses pada 8 Maret 2015
, Keamanan Lingkungan Hidup dengan Memerangi Akarnya ( Lingkungan-Hidup-dengan-Memerangi-Akarnya) diakses pada 2 Februari 2015
, Korean Air Pollution Problem ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2015
, South Korea’s Focus on Green Growth and Bold Methods of Energy Conservation ( on-green-growth-and-bold-methods-of-energy-conservation/) diakses pada 28 Februari 2015.
, The Basic Law ( diakses pada 26 Februari 2015
, The Basic Environment Law-Outline ( laws/policy/basic/leaflet2.html) diakses pada 21 Februari 2015
, The Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among Japan, China and Korea (TEMM) ( diakses pada 17 November 2014
, Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting ( diakses pada 26 November 2014
, Why Environmental Security a Major Concern ( concern/) diakses pada 4 Februari 2015
Bouchard, Caroline dan Peterson, John, Conceptualising Multilateralism: Can We Just Get Along? ( diakses pada 18 Maret 2015
Boslaugh ,Sarah E. , Anthropocentrism ( diakses pada 20 Mei 2015
Hayes, Peter dan Zarsky, Lyuba, Regional Cooperation and Environmental Issues in Northeast Asia ( diakses pada 3 Mei 2015
Lallanilla, Marc, China’s top 6 Environmental Concern ( diakses pada 9 Juni 2011