Indigenous Agriculture (IA) follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) principal. We strictly abide by its Best Practice Guidelines and Code of Conduct.

To ensure the addition of high-quality scholarly works to scientific publications, the editors of these journals enforce a thorough peer-review process along with high ethical policies and standards. Regrettably, incidents involving plagiarism, data falsification, image manipulation, incorrect authorship credit, and similar issues occur. IA editors are trained to handle such cases with a zero-tolerance policy and take such publishing ethics concerns very seriously.

The following rules must be followed by authors who want to publish their papers in IA:

  • Before submitting the paper, all information that might be interpreted as a potential conflict of interest by the author(s) must be disclosed.
  • Authors should accurately confirm their research findings and present a rational and objective analysis.
  • The research's data and methods must be presented in the paper in enough detail for other researchers to be able to duplicate the work.
  • The authors should ideally publicly post the raw data before submitting their publication. At the very least, writers must be prepared to give the raw data to the journal's editors and reviewers upon request. The full retention of raw data for a fair amount of time after publication must be ensured by authors by taking the necessary precautions.
  • Simultaneous submission to more than one journal is not allowed.
  • The journal accepts exact translations of works that have already been published.
  • This journal's editors must be informed immediately if errors and inaccuracies are discovered by the authors after the publication of their manuscript so that the proper course of action can be taken.
  • There should be no already published information in your manuscript. Please request the necessary permission from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY license if you include previously published figures or images.
  • We do not allow plagiarism, data fabrication, or picture manipulation.
    • Plagiarism is not acceptable in IA submissions.

Plagiarism is taking language, concepts, ideas, images, or data—even from one's publications—and using it elsewhere without crediting the work's author.

Text taken from another source and used again must be included in quotation marks, and the source must be cited. Any prior publications that inspired a study's design, the manuscript's organization, or its language must be explicitly cited.

Turnitin is used to check every IA submission for plagiarism. The manuscript might be rejected if plagiarism is found during the peer review. After publishing, plagiarism will be investigated, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our policy.

    • Image files must not be altered in any way that would cause the information provided by the original image to be misinterpreted.

The following are examples of irregular manipulation: 1) adding features to the original image, enhancing them, moving them, or removing them; 2) grouping images that should be presented separately (for example, from different regions of the same gel or different gels); or 3) altering the contrast, brightness, or colour balance to hide, cover up, or enhance some information.

During the peer review process, we reserve the right to reject the manuscript if questionable image modification is found and verified. We may update or retract the paper if irregular image manipulation is discovered and confirmed after publication.

Any claims of publishing misconduct will be looked into by our in-house editors, who may also, if necessary, get in contact with the authors' institutions or funders. If there is proof of misconduct, the publication will be corrected or retracted as required. By publishing with IA, authors are expected to adhere to the highest moral standards for publishing. Below is Transfer Copyright Agreement form that authors have to submit before publishing manuscript

Transfer Copyright Agreement form