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Ecoaquatic is a pond that consists of plastic and sand. To avoid water leakage, the pond construction is equipped with ecoaquatic block with a thickness of 6 cm and on top of plastic coated with sand 3-5 cm thick at the bottom of the pond. the purpose of this research is to analyze the press strength  and water repellant of ecoaquatic block making using a mixture of PET Type Plastic Waste (Polyethylene terephthalate) and sand as a layer of sandy soil pond construction. Ecoaquatic blocks are made from a mixture of PET, plastics, sand and oil. The research was designed with a randomized design complete with the treatment of four compositions of plastic and sand comparison, namely 50: 50%, 60: 40%, 70: 30%, 80: 20%, controls and three repeats for each treatment. Ecoaquatic block testing is carried out at the age of 14 and 28 days. Ecoaquatic blocks are dried up to the testing period. The results showed that the highest strong press yield was found in the ratio of 50:50% which reached 20.42 ± 0.26 and 21.25 ± 0.73 Mpa. Meanwhile, water repellant test results showed in the ratio of 80:20% is a comparison that has the highest water repellant values were 94.49 ± 0.44 and 95.78 ± 0.42%. Based on the quality requirements of SNI 03-0691-1996 a ratio of 50:50% qualified and entered into the category of quality B.
Keywords: ecoaquatic block, plastic type PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), strong press, water absorption


ecoaquatic block plastic type PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) strong press water repellent

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