Dilema Kebijakan Revitalisasi Pemanfaatan Danau Tempe Kabupaten Wajo


  • Besse Syahriana Darti Program Studi Ilmu Politik, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
  • laili Bariroh Program Studi Ilmu Politik, FISIP, UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sitti Rabiatul Wahdaniyah Herman Program Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam, Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah,UIN Datokarama Palu, Palu, Indonesia


Public Policy, Revitalization, Lake of Tempe,, Wajo


This paper aims to analyze the conflicts occurred related to the revitalization and utilization program of Lake Tempe by the Wajo Regency Government in collaboration with the Central Government through PUPR has carried out a revitalization policy for Lake Tempe. The government views that this policy needs to be implemented in relation to the condition of Lake Tempe which is experiencing siltation which then has implications for flooding when the water discharge in the lake increases in the rainy season. Based on the research conducted, it appears that the Lake Tempe revitalization policy issued by the government has caused resistance among the community. Lake Tempe is widely used by the community to support their economy as fishermen and traditional farmers. However, the large number of community activities in Lake Tempe has resulted in the silting of the lake so that every year in the rainy season there will be floods that submerge the residential area of ​​the community in a fairly wide area. Based on this condition, then revitalization becomes an important program to be implemented. However, from the perspective of the community, revitalization activities will have negative implications for their economic activities. This then has implications for conflicts that occur between local communities and the government.





