Upaya Menjamin Hak Pilih Masyarakat melalui Tahapan Coklit pada Pilkada Bulukumba 2020


  • Andi Yakub Program Studi Ilmu Politik, FISIP, Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
  • Syahrir Mantopani Program Studi Ilmu Politik, FISIP, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Novi Budiman Program Studi Pemikiran Politik Islam, Fakultas Usluhuddin adab dan dakwah, IAIN BATUSANGKAR, Batusangkar, Indonesia


Pilkada, Covid-19 Pandemic, Coklit, Health Protocol


This paper aims to show the efforts made by the Bulukumba Regency KPU in ensuring the community's right to vote in the 2020 Bulukumba district picada. One of the important aspects carried out is through matching and research (coklit) voter data. Pilkada held in 2020 faces its own challenges because it will be held in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which greatly limits the space for movement and community interaction. It is feared that this will have implications for the pilkada stage, one of which is related to the permanent voter list (DPT). One of the important parts that must be observed in the election process is the guarantee of the fulfillment of the political rights of the community which has become a dilemma in the midst of the Covid-19 condition. Observing this condition, the Bulukumba Regency KPU carried out a matching and research process (Coklit) as a form of effort to ensure that people's voting rights could still be fulfilled but on the other hand the Health protocol had to be observed. For this reason, the browning process is carried out with due regard to health protocols. In addition, the Coklit process is also carried out online where the public can access a website that will direct them to independently check their data as permanent voters





