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women is a segment in society who had been not yet get the equal space as a man in many aspects, including the formal occupation aspect. One of the caused of this situation is by the patriarchy culture which has been strongly rooted in Indonesian community.  But in reality, there is a tendention that show the differensiate realted to the assumption that conducted to the real condition in Gowa district education office. Women in the Gowa district education office had been given  a chance to occupy a certain position, it is shown on the amount of structural position in  Gowa district education office that there are 11 woman and 9 man who holds a structural position in the Gowa district education office. This research aims to analyse related to the phenomena on Gowa district education office by using descriptive qualitative reseach menthod. According to the data had been collected shown that the women in Gowa district education office had been given a chance to compete with the man in the contestation of structural positions based on formal legal rules as stipulated in Government Regulation Number 13 of 2002. Its mean that the Gowa District Government already have a strong commitment to implement the formal legal rules that already give the same chance to woman and man to compete in structural possition.


Women Patriarchy Structural Position Gender Equality

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How to Cite
putri, zhalzahira rakita . (2023). Women and Bureaucracy: A Study of Women in Public Office in Gowa District. Politics and Humanism, 2(1), 1-9.