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Political identity has become an interesting disourse for debate in the last decade. In today’s Indonesia context, identity politics tends to present its own phobia in society, even though we know that political parties were born from a different backgrounds and ideologies that cannot be separated from the influence of identity. On the other side, there is background of the urgency of political identity which is used as a jargon in attracting the sympathy of voters among Muslims. Of course, the phenomenon is interesting to study about what is the actual position of identity in politics and the political parties especially politics in Indonesia which is so plural. This articles aims to present a definition of the meaning of political identity in political parties and when political identity can or cannot be used in politics


political identity Ummah Party political party

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How to Cite
Wally, F. F. S. (2023). Political Identity and Political Parties: A Case Study of Ummat Party Political Identity of the 2024 Election. Politics and Humanism, 2(1), 22-32.