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The decline of democracy in Southeast Asia is a pressing concern, with several countries in the region experiencing significant setbacks in recent years. The rise of authoritarianism and military coups has led to the erosion of democratic institutions and the suppression of opposition voices. The international community must continue to monitor these developments and hold governments accountable for any human rights violations or attempts to suppress dissent and opposition. Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia has used brutal forces to suppress opposition, the use of draconian laws to silence critics, imprisonment of activists, and the use of lethal violence against protesters. The rising of authoritarian tendencies in The Phillippines and Indonesia is also a huge influence in the declining democracy index in the region.


Democracy Southeast Asia Elections Military Coups

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How to Cite
Razita, S., & Panji Teguh Santoso, M. . (2024). The Decline of Democracy in The South East Asian Region . Politics and Humanism, 3(1), 1-9.