Chocolate candy, defatted coconut powder, organolepticAbstract
Chocolate candy is one of food products favored by children and society. Chocolatecandies was prepared by defatted coconut powder as a filler. Chocolate candy was made simple
with the main ingredients: cocoa butter (350 grams), cocoa powder (8%), refined sugar (28%),
lecithin (0.5%), and defatted coconut powder. The treatment were the different amount of
defatted of coconut powder, namely A1 (22%), A2 (27%), and A3 (32%). The purpose of this
study was to get of the amount of defatted coconut powder formulations to be used and to
determine the physical, chemical and acceptabillity (organoleptic) of chocolate candy. The
parameters were stability, fat bloom, water content, and organoleptic tests include color,
aroma, taste, and texture. The results showed that the chocolate had good stability, the water
content ranged from 0.61%-1.37%. The use of defatted coconut powder with levels of 22% to
produce chocolate candy products ware relatively more preferred by panelists on the
organoleptic parameters of color and texture.
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