The Effect of Fresh Fruit Bunches Transportation Services on the Risk of Oil Palm Farming Income in Belangin Village, Sanggau Regency
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Production and prices of palm oil do not necessarily guarantee that farmers in Belangin Village get high income from farming activities, this is due to the FFB transportation process from the plantation to the Palm Oil Mill (PKS). Smooth or not and the length of time for FFB transportation will determine the amount of income received by farmers. The longer FFB in the truck, the lower quality of FFB, and the risk will be lower the price received by farmers. Simple random sampling (Simple Random Sampling) by taking as many as 38 respondents from 287 oil palm farmers. The analysis used is the coefficient of variation and multiple linear regression analysis. The coefficient of variation obtained is based on the calculation of 0,1242. This means that the risks that occur can still be controlled by taking into account the costs of farming expenses and increasing productivity. Through the F-Statistic test simultaneously, the independent variables are known to simultaneously affect the risk of oil palm farming income Partially, the variable distance (X1) and waiting time in line for scales (X2) has a negative but not significant effect on the risk of farm income (Y). Meanwhile, the variable of transportation costs (X3) has a negative but significant effect on the risk of farm income (Y)
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