Analysis of The Production and Feasibility Farming System Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Sp.)
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This research was aimed to (1) Identification characteristics of chrysanthemum farmers, (2) Production factors that affect cut flower chrysanthemum farming, (3) analyze to determine the feasibility of cut flower chrysanthemum sp. to be developed in Tutur district of Pasuruan. Slovin method was used for the sampling method with a total sample of 51. The location in this research was chosen with the purposive method. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression, NPV, IRR, and PP. The result showed simultaneously factor land area (X1), seed (X2), fertilizer (X3), pesticide (X4), and labor (X5) influential real to total production of chrysanthemums. Partially factor land are (X1), seed (X2), and labor (X5) influential real to total production chrysanthemum. The calculation of income for three years amounted to IDR 1.709.143.199,00. The results of the investment analysis for the nine periods show that the R/C ratio was 2,9, NPV was IDR 1.413.779.942,00 IRR was 119% and PP was one period. These results showed that the chrysanthemum cut flower was feasible to be developed.
Keyword : Chrysantheum cut flower; production factor; feasibility; farming system
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