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Submited : September 22, 2020
Published : September 22, 2020

NTB Zero waste yang menjadi program unggulan pemerintah daerah NTB yang mulai dilaksanakan pada tahun 2018. Dalam 5 tahun ke depan, pemerintah memasang target penanganan sampah yang lumayan ambisius. Karena untuk program yang sama, pemerintah Pusat saja memasang target di tahun 2025. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk merekam realitas pelaksanaan program, kendala yang dihadapi, pengaruh pandemi covid-19 terhadap pelaksanaan program, serta pelaksanaan literasi digital yang sangat potensial dalam membantu mensukseskan program zero waste. Kondisi geografis NTB dan pandemic Covid-19 yang melanda menambah signifikansi penerapan literasi digital Kata kunci: zero waste, pengelolaan sampah, bank sampah, internet, literasi digital,  perpustakaan.    ABSTRACT NTB Zero waste, which is the flagship program of the NTB regional government, which began to be implemented in 2018. In the next 5 years, the government has set quite ambitious waste management targets. Because for the same program, the central government alone sets a target in 2025. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method to record the reality of program implementation, which is related to influencing the Covid-19 pandemic on program implementation, as well as the implementation of digital literacy which has great potential in assisting the program. the success of zero waste. The geographic conditions of NTB and the Covid-19 pandemic that hit add to the significance of the application of digital literacy Keywords:  zero waste, waste management, waste bank, internet, digital literacy, library.


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