Main Article Content
This study aims to determine how much influence the quality of the human
resources manager of the library, the availability of information and
communication technology infrastructure, as well as building infrastructure and
library of the quality of service at the library AIAT South Sulawesi. Besides, it
also wants to know the dominant factor among the three factors above. The
population in this study are all users of digital libraries AIAT South Sulawesi
(researchers, extension workers, research and engineering technicians, BPTP
administration staff, and general users) with a total of 315 people. Sampling
was done by proportionally.
The analysis showed that the factor of quality human resources manager of the
library, the availability of information and communication technology
infrastructure, as well as infrastructure building and library have a significant
effect (F = 94.537, with sig = 0,000) with a contribution of 76.3% on the
Quality of Service to Digital Library BPTP South Sulawesi, while the
remaining 23.7 percent is influenced by other factors. By using a digital system
Key words: digital libraries, analytics, services, BPTP Sulsel.
This study aims to determine how much influence the quality of the human
resources manager of the library, the availability of information and
communication technology infrastructure, as well as building infrastructure and
library of the quality of service at the library AIAT South Sulawesi. Besides, it
also wants to know the dominant factor among the three factors above. The
population in this study are all users of digital libraries AIAT South Sulawesi
(researchers, extension workers, research and engineering technicians, BPTP
administration staff, and general users) with a total of 315 people. Sampling
was done by proportionally.
The analysis showed that the factor of quality human resources manager of the
library, the availability of information and communication technology
infrastructure, as well as infrastructure building and library have a significant
effect (F = 94.537, with sig = 0,000) with a contribution of 76.3% on the
Quality of Service to Digital Library BPTP South Sulawesi, while the
remaining 23.7 percent is influenced by other factors. By using a digital system
Key words: digital libraries, analytics, services, BPTP Sulsel.
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