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Submited : December 9, 2021
Published : December 4, 2023

Abstrak Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini Apakah terdapat  korelasi  antara Pemanfaatan Koleksi Digital dengan  Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pemustaka di Perpustakaan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman. Adapun populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh civitas akademika Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda. Sampel diambil berdasarkan pemustaka yang memanfaatkan perpustakaan dalam memanfaatkan informasi. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara online dengan mengirim kuesioner melalui aplikasi google form. Adapun kuesioner yang dikembalikan sebanyak 140 dan diambil 136 karena ada 4 kuesioner yang tidak lengkap pengisiannya. Dari jumlah sampel tersebut sebanyak 14 orang Dosen, 113 mahasiswa dan Tenaga kependidikan sebanyak 9 orang. Adapun  Teknik Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier sederhana. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai rhitung sebesar 0,732 dan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05. Dengan demikian hipotesis kerja (hk) diterima kebenarannya dan menolak hipotesis nol (ho). Hal ini berarti terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan  antara variabel  pemanfaatan koleksi digital terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pemustaka di Perpustakaan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda. Adapun hasil perhitungan uji t diperoleh nilai thitunguntuk variabel Pemanfaatan  koleksi Digital sebesar 12,433 > 1,289. Hal tersebut berarti pula bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara Pemanfaatan Koleksi Digital dengan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pemustaka di Perpustakaan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman. Selanjutnya hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear sederhana, mengenai pegaruh Pemanfaatan Koleksi Digital (X) terhadap Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pemustaka (Y) menghasilkan koefisien arah regresi (b) sebesar 0,692 dan konstanta (a) sebesar 10,212. Dengan demikian bentuk hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut dapat digambarkan dengan persamaan regresi linear Y = 10,212 + 0,692 X. Kata Kunci : Pemanfaatan, Koleksi Digital, Kebutuhan Pemustaka   Abstract The problem raised in this study is that there is a correlation between the Utilization of Digital Collections and the Fulfillment of The Needs of the Library in the Economic and Business Library of Mulawarman University. The population used in this study is the entire academic community of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University Samarinda. Samples are taken based on the library utilizing the library in utilizing information. Sampling techniques are done online by sending questionnaires through the google form application. The questionnaires were returned as many as 140 and taken 136 because there were 4 questionnaires that were not complete filling out. From the sample number of 14 lecturers, 113 students and education personnel as many as 9 people. The data analysis technique used in this study is a simple linear regression. The results of the analysis showed a rhitung value of 0.732 and a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. Thus the working hypothesis (hk) accepted its truth and rejected the null (ho) hypothesis. This means that there is a significant influence between the variables of the utilization of digital collections to meet the needs of the library in the Library of the Faculty of Economics, Mulawarman University Samarinda. The results of the t test calculation obtained thitung value for variable Utilization of Digital collection of 12,433 > 1,289. This also means that there is a significant correlation between the Utilization of Digital Collections and the Fulfillment of The Needs of the Library in the Economic and Business Library of Mulawarman University. Furthermore, the results of calculations using a simple linear regression analysis, regarding the impact of the Utilization of Digital Collections (X) to meet the Needs of the Government (Y) produce a regression direction coefficient (b) of 0.692 and constant (a) of 10,212. Thus the form of the relationship between the two variables can be described by the linear regression equation Y = 10.212 + 0.692 X. Keywords: Utilization, Digital Collection, Library Needs


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