Journal of Social, Culture and Science (ABDI)
ISSN: 2716-0122 (online media)
ISSN: 2655569 (Print Media)
Edition Vol. 5, Agustus 2023
Dear. Author.
Thank you for submitting article to the Open Journal System in the Journal of Social, Culture and Science (ABDI Journal), which is managed by the Hasanuddin University Student Activity Unit and Scientific Reasoning (UKM KPI Unhas).
It should be noted that in the process of scientific publication, there are several stages, namely:
1). Pre-review. In this process there are 2 possibilities: (a) being rejected, or (b) continuing to the 'review' stage.
2). Review. In this process, there are 3 possibilities: (a) rejected, (b) accepted with revised conditions, and (c) accepted without revision.
3). Revision. The journal manager will submit input from reviewers to the author regarding the parts that need to be revised.
4). Compliance check. The revision results will be evaluated again by the journal manager and returned to the reviewer.
5). Processing and Publishing. The journal manager will process the journal and publish the journal.
Your article has received a response from the management of the ABDI journal with the conclusion that your Scientific Article has been received in stage 1). Pre-review and 2). Review,
then, the scientific article that you submit will go to the "review" stage by Bestari Partners / Reviewer.
If you still have questions, please contact the Contact Person for the Research Coordinator of UKM KPI Unhas: Sahara: 082281065504 (Hp / Wa) or email:
That can be conveyed, we thank you for the attention of Authors.
#Jaya Penalaran!
#Jaya UKM KPI Unhas!
Student Activity Units
Keilmuan dan Penalaran Ilmiah (KPI)
Hasanuddin University