Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society <p><strong>MARITIME PARK: Journal Of Maritime Technology and Society</strong> (e-ISSN: <strong>2828-6669</strong> p-ISSN: <strong>2828-7010</strong>) is open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the <a href=""><strong>Department of Ocean Engineering</strong>, <strong>Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University</strong></a> in February, June, and October each year. Manuscripts that have been approved for publication have been reviewed by reviewers and are free to download via our website.</p> Department of Ocean Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University en-US Maritime Park Journal of Maritime Technology and Society 2828-7010 Analysis Of Needs And Placement Of Zinc Anode For New Ferry Ship Buildings <p>Marine structures (ships, offshore platforms, underwater pipes and other floating structures) in operation are not protected from corrosion. One of the biggest sources of damage to ships is caused by seawater corrosion. Until now, the use of iron and steel as the main materials for shipbuilding is still dominant. Corrosion is a degradation process of a metal due to chemical reactions between the metal and its environment. The aim of this research is how to determine the need for zinc anode and efficient installation distance as well as the costs required in procuring cathodic protection. Cavitation is a factor that often occurs around propellers or propellers. When the propeller or propeller rotates in the water, the low pressure around the surface of the propeller can cause water vapor to form and turn into cavitation bubbles. When these bubbles burst, the erosion effect on the surface of the affected object will quickly corrode. So that the installation of the sacrificial anode at the stern is installed slightly tightly. The method used to control the rate of corrosion is by protecting the steel plate using cathodic protection. Therefore, every ship that is built needs to have zinc anode planning to control the rate of corrosion on the ship's steel plates. The number of zinc anodes required for a new construction ship with a length of 72.76 m, a width of 14 m and a draft height of 3.30 m is 55 with an addition of 30% of the total number at the stern due to the cavitation factor. The design life of the zinc anode protection is 2.5 years with a longated flush mounted (welded type) type s-8, dimensions (300 mm × 150 mm × 25 mm) weighing 8 kg. The installation distance is 3 m and 1.3 m with the installation cost being IDR. 40,530,000.</p> Muh. Syaifullah Juswan Sade Paroka Paroka Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 109 119 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35389 Analysis of the Effect of Using Concrete Mattresses on Subsea Pipelines <p>This Leaks in oil and gas pipes under the sea will cause pollution and threaten the ecosystem in the sea. Damage to underwater pipes caused by anchors has quite a large percentage, therefore good prevention efforts are needed so that leaks do not occur which have a negative impact on environment and economy. The aim of this research is to find out how the strength compares between pipes that use protective concrete mattresses and pipes without protective concrete mattresses when hit by ship anchors. This research uses explicit dynamic simulation using Finite Element Method software. Based on explicit dynamic analysis, deformation values ​​and equivalent stress values ​​are obtained after being hit by an anchor at a speed of 5,491 m/s. For unprotected pipes experiencing significant damage, when viewed from the deformation values ​​obtained, namely amounted to 0.143 m, while for the pipe model with protection the deformation value obtained was 0.0769 m. For pipes without protection and pipes that use protection with a thickness of 0.15 m, the deformation value is both above the maximum value that has been determined, namely 10% of the diameter value and when viewed from the equivalent stress value, for pipes without protection the equivalent stress value is obtained. namely 1,150 MPa, while the pipe that uses a protector is 240 MPa, the equivalent stress value obtained by the pipe using a protector is below 780 MPa, which means that the use of pipe protectors is quite effective in reducing damage that occurs to the pipe.</p> Risal Risal Juswan Sade Fuad Mahfud Assidiq Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 99 108 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35390 Mitigating the Impact of Oil Spills in the Sea with Responsive Strategies and Ecosystem Recovery <p>Oil spills in the marine environment pose a significant threat to ecosystems, wildlife, and human livelihoods. The consequences of oil spills can be devastating, ranging from immediate wildlife fatalities to long-term ecological damage and disruption of coastal economies. This study provides a comprehensive review of the current strategies and technologies employed to mitigate the impact of oil spills in the marine environment. The research approach includes a thorough literature review, expert interviews, case studies, and quantitative analysis. The findings highlight the advancements in oil spill detection and monitoring techniques, leveraging remote sensing, autonomous vehicles, and advanced modeling. The study also examines the evolution of oil spill containment and cleanup methods, including mechanical recovery, chemical dispersants, and in-situ burning, underscoring the need for a balanced and contextual application of these techniques. The research emphasizes the importance of bioremediation and ecological restoration strategies in addressing the long-term impacts of oil spills on marine ecosystems. Additionally, the study explores the role of regulatory frameworks and international cooperation in enhancing oil spill preparedness and response, as well as the critical importance of stakeholder engagement and community resilience in mitigating the impact of these events. The study concludes that addressing the challenges associated with oil spills in the marine environment requires a holistic approach that integrates technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, international cooperation, and community engagement. By leveraging the insights and recommendations from this research, policymakers, environmental managers, and industry stakeholders can work collaboratively to develop and implement more effective strategies for safeguarding marine ecosystems and coastal communities.</p> Muhammad Firdaus Bin Yusup Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 87 92 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35387 Mitigating the Risk of Ship Accidents with an Integrated Approach to Maritime Safety Management <p>This research explores an integrated approach in maritime safety management to reduce the risk of ship accidents. With the increasing volume of maritime traffic and the complexity of shipping operations, ship safety has become a critical aspect that must be considered. This study identifies and analyzes various safety technologies and strategies that have been implemented in the maritime industry, such as Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), Vessel Traffic Management (VTS), Weather Early Warning Systems, and crew training and certification programs. Data collected through literature reviews and case studies show that the application of this advanced technology significantly improves shipping safety and reduces accident incidents.</p> Nyein Zin Latt Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 73 80 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35385 Maritime Safety in the Digital Era as the Role of Weather Monitoring and Prediction Technology <p>The maritime industry plays a vital role in global transportation and trade, but the inherent challenges posed by the marine environment can significantly threaten the safety and efficiency of maritime operations. In recent years, the rapid advancements in weather monitoring and prediction technologies have presented new opportunities to address these challenges and enhance maritime safety in the digital era. This study provides a comprehensive exploration of the role of weather monitoring and prediction technology in shaping the future of maritime safety. The research methodology encompasses a literature review, expert interviews, case studies, and quantitative analysis to investigate the latest advancements in meteorological observation systems, numerical weather prediction models, and the integration of digital technologies within the maritime sector. The findings reveal significant improvements in weather monitoring systems, leveraging remote sensing, in-situ measurement platforms, and comprehensive data networks to provide enhanced situational awareness. The study also highlights advancements in numerical weather prediction models tailored to the marine environment, enabling more accurate and reliable weather forecasts. The integration of digital technologies, such as data analytics and decision support tools, has further amplified the impact of weather monitoring and prediction capabilities in optimizing maritime operations and mitigating weather-related risks. However, the research also identifies key challenges, including regulatory barriers and the need for stakeholder engagement and capacity building, that must be addressed to ensure the successful and widespread adoption of weather monitoring and prediction technology within the maritime industry. Collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders, policymakers, and technology providers will be crucial in overcoming these obstacles and harnessing the transformative potential of these technologies to enhance the overall safety, efficiency, and resilience of the maritime sector.</p> Muammar Kadhafi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 93 98 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35388 Transforming the Shipping Industry with Autonomous Ships and Artificial Intelligence <p>The shipping industry has long been a critical component of global trade and commerce, but it has faced numerous challenges, including labor shortages, safety concerns, and the need to reduce environmental impact. In recent years, the emergence of autonomous ships and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform the shipping industry, addressing these challenges and driving innovation. This study explores the role of autonomous ships and AI in revolutionizing the shipping industry. It employs a multifaceted research approach, including a comprehensive literature review, expert interviews, case studies, and quantitative analysis, to provide a detailed understanding of the key developments, potential benefits, and challenges associated with the integration of these technologies. The research findings reveal significant advancements in autonomous ship technology, with vessels equipped with advanced sensors, navigation systems, and decision-making algorithms that enable them to operate with minimal to no human intervention. The integration of AI further enhances the capabilities of autonomous ships, enabling them to process vast amounts of data, optimize routes and energy usage, and improve overall safety and reliability. The study identifies the potential benefits of autonomous ships and AI-powered shipping operations, including increased efficiency, improved safety, reduced operational costs, and decreased environmental impact. However, it also highlights the challenges that must be addressed, such as the need for regulatory adaptations, overcoming technological limitations, managing cybersecurity risks, and addressing public acceptance.</p> Muhammad Riyadh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 81 86 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35386 Application of Advanced Technology on Transport Ships as a Technological Revolution in the Maritime Industry <p>The maritime industry is experiencing a technological revolution driven by the application of advanced technology to transport vessels. This research aims to explore the impact of advanced technologies, such as satellite navigation systems, electric propulsion, advanced sensors, and data analysis, on operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability in the shipping industry. The research methodology includes a comprehensive literature review, semi-structured interviews with industry experts, case studies on ships employing advanced technologies, and data analysis using qualitative and quantitative methods. The research results show significant improvements in fuel efficiency, reduced emissions, improved condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance on ships equipped with advanced technology. However, the research also revealed challenges in implementation and adoption, including high initial costs, lack of supporting infrastructure, the need for crew retraining, and regulatory challenges. Despite this, the future potential for the application of advanced technologies in the maritime industry remains promising, with rapid developments in artificial intelligence, autonomous technologies, and blockchain. This research highlights the need for collaboration between industry stakeholders, continued investment in research and development, and conducive regulatory support to realize the full potential of the technological revolution in the maritime industry. The findings from this research contribute to a better understanding of the transformative impact of advanced technology in shipping and highlight its role in driving the industry toward a more efficient, sustainable, and safe future.</p> Aung Ye Kyaw Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 67 72 10.62012/mp.v3i2.35384