Adolescent Perception of Genre Related to Early Childhood Marriage In Kabalutan Island Central Sulawesi
Adolescent perceptions of early childhood marriage are responded positively or negatively because of the high sexual urges of teenagers because of permissive and almost unlimited environmental influences. The Planning Generation Program (GENRE) which is focused on adolescents is expected to be an innovative solution for the community, especially families with teenagers. This study aims to analyze the perceptions of adolescents about the acceptance of the GENRE concept related to early childhood marriage on Kabalutan Island. This research is a qualitative research with an explanatory approach. Data collection was conducted with Focus Group Discussions and in-depth interviews as well as observations on 14 informants consisting of teenagers who were early marriages and not early marriages, parents of teenagers who had married early and parents of unmarried teenagers and local community leaders consisting of officers health and teachers. To obtain the factors that drive teenagers' perceptions, the data are analyzed using taxonomic analysis. This study has succeeded in identifying the perceptions of adolescents about GENRE and early childhood marriages on the island of Kabalutan. The family environment and socio-culture of the local community and the interventions provided by some Parties provide a diverse understanding of adolescents. Therefore, it is recommended for cross-sector stakeholders who are interested in equating perceptions and joint interventions so that the acceptance of GENRE can be maximized in overcoming early marriage.
Keywords: Acceptance, Concept, Marriage, Behavior, Adolescents
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