Analysis of Factors That Influence The Performance of Nurses In Mother and Child General Hospital And Mother and Child Private Hospital, Makassar City
Performance is interpreted as one of the benchmarks of organizational success, especially in public health services, so that through the focus on improving the quality of human resources it is expected that the quality of services will be increase. This study aims to understand the factors that affect the performance of nurses in Mother and Child General Hospital and Mother and Child Private Hospital, Makassar City. The study was quantitative study using cross-sectional design, samples were selected by saturated sampling because the whole population was relatively small at 90 samples. The results showed that individual characteristics variables influence the performance of nurses in the Government Hospital and Mother and Child Private Hospital inpatient care room (p = 0.002; p = 0.025). Likewise, the team variables influence the performance of nurses in the Government Hospital and Private Hospital inpatient care room (p = 0.010; p = 0.011). System variables influence the performance of nurses in the Government Hospital and Mother and Child Private Hospital inpatient care room (p = 0.043; p = 0.065). Likewise, situational variables influence the performance of nurses in the Government Hospital and Mother and Child Private Hospital inpatient care room (p = 0.010; p = 0.060). The dominant factor influencing the performance of nurses is the individual characteristic variable in Mother and Child General Hospital (p = 0.0131; Exp B = 6,286) and the team factor in the Mother and Child Private Hospital with (p = 0.0205; Exp B = 4,345). Therefore, it is expected that the hospital will periodically include nurses in activities to improve soft skills or hard skills so that the improvement of nurses' competencies and knowledge can continue to be improved.
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