Earthquake Disaster Preparedness Education in Elementary School Students in Majene Regency
Children are one of the vulnerable populations affected by natural disasters, due to their inability to act independently in the event of a disaster. So it takes effort to improve the preparedness of children to face natural disasters. This study aims to analyze the effect of education using simulation methods and picture book on knowledge about disaster preparedness. This research was conducted in SDN 26 Pakkola as an intervention group and SDN 28 Tamo as a control group. The method used is Quasi Experiment with the design of Non-Randomized Pre-test Post-Test Control Group Design. The total sample are 70 samples. Sampling was done in Simple Random Sampling. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Test and Mann-Whitney. The results showed that the average knowledge score experienced an increase, the intervention group (40%) while the control group (27). This study also showed differences in the average score of knowledge of respondents between the intervention and the control group. For pre-test (p = 0.962) which means there was no significant difference while in post-test 1 and 2 there are significant differences (p = 0.001 and p = 0,000). There was the effect of earthquake disaster simulation education and picture book on knowledge (p = 0,000). This study concluded that there was an effect of simulation methods and picture books on increasing student knowledge about earthquake preparedness.
Keywords: Education, Simulation, Picture Book, Preparedness, Earthquake
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